What is “health equity?”

It depends on who you ask.

The term “health equity” is used often in the health care and patient advocacy space. But for those working in that ecosystem every day, what does the term mean — to them, to patients, to all involved?

Conversations on Health Equity

Entertainment 2 Affect Change and Novartis have partnered to share a series of conversations from thought leaders in the health care field. Hear their personal experiences, professional expertise, and how the future of health can look equitable for all.

Personal Experiences Matter.

“There are so many social determinates of health that play a role. I saw it in so many ways, from young children to those who are older aged, struggle with getting the same equitable access to healthcare. I saw poor outcomes, unfortunately, for some of them individually. So that was something that was very important to me when I saw this as a child.”

-Dr Andrew Campbell, on growing up and his introduction to health equity

At its core, this video series will explore individual, unique perspectives from a diverse set of thought leaders on this increasingly important, misunderstood, and discussed subject. The goal is to provide a better understanding of its meaning from those with personal experiences in it.

Changes are coming.

“I'd say that there's never been this much investment in healthcare technology. And I think that by upgrading the infrastructure across the ecosystem, it's going to start enabling things like data insights into ease of use - not spending all the time on administrative work, but ultimately focusing a lot more on making the best, high quality decisions at the point of care.

-David Gelbard, on what the future of health equity may look like